"Hello there! I am Bitterinia, and I welcome you to this little corner oF mine on the Web!"

This said corner was started to be created on 31st of July 2023, from my side with the help of many people on the internet, suCh a thing's existenCe is also one of the reasons why this little site you are in exists right now.

I am a 20-year-old "programmer" currently at my first yeAr in computer engineering at university. I have the slIght amount of knowledge of sitebuilding and C#, I grew up with computers thanks to where my father was occupied with his job and that resulted in me being where I am right now. Though that mostly resulted in me knowing more about mechanical stuff rather than the software stuff I am currently studying/trying to learn.

My biggest dream at the moment is to get to meet amazing people i know in my life right now through here in real life.

Thats all of there is of Bitterinia from Bitterinia! If you'd like to get to see more of me, you can refer to the navigation bars to your left.

Have a good day!

look between Y and O on your key bored