Model Type :                                                     F-Line AP
Model # :                                                      CCAI-625427
Turing Value :                                                       False
Prototype Phase :                                                     True
RECOVERED OFFICIAL ENTRY                                                  
The Systemic Unit CCAI-625427-P1, a prototype of AP series of the F-Line models is a second generation interface character designed to simulate human abilities and appearance for entertainment purposes. Starting development in 27th of May in 2003, with the cooprative efforts and ownership of Mizufi Cooperatives and Cybernautic Sys-tems Branch 22.
[START OF ENTRY]                                                          
Referred to hereafter in this entry as F-CCAI27, this model was a prototype test model created with and for the uprising demand and popularity in "creating a future generation and a race like never before.". The model as mentioned in the official description was created with the coopration of Mizufi Coopratives with the said side overseeing the "procurement" and assembly of the model's components while Branch 22 of the Cybernautic Sys-tems the engineering and robotic integration within F-CCAI27’s structure.
The timeline between the establishment of this partnership and the initiation of F-CCAI27's design and construction spans approximately 242 days (around 8 months). Recovered records from Site 415 indicate no concurrent projects between the two collaborators during this period.
DESIGNS AND PURPOSES                     
F-CCAI27 being noted to be heavily inspired by the recent uprising of “Anime” culture from Japan was designed in a way that favors the eye as stated in the recovered description of the model written by Cybernautic Sys-tems Branch 22 executives. The model resembling a slim humanoid figure made out of many articulated joints designed for optimized fluid movement, though lacking detail compared to the head of the model which was given the more attention during development once again in the official description of the model. The head features purple colored synthetic “hair” that resembles high-volumed strands with a pair of extra branches rising from the back of the neck area, resembling wings despite the location they are placed in.
Below that area around where the spine of the model starts features two physical electrical connection ports: a PC-02 female inlet for electrical charging and a USB-S port for data transfer.
The anotomy of the model resembles a mostly human form, though the head reflects a stylized blend of human and feline traits, also evidenced by synthetic cat-like ears atop of the model's head that also feature the same color and texture of the "hair". Unrelated to these feline features the model also contains a star shaped ornament connected to the top of the head by a flexible filament positioned between the ears, resembling the bioluminescent lure of an anglerfish.
The face of the model, being noted to be the most "anime-inspired" aspect of its design, is crafted specifically to convey "softness" and "innocence". With embed components and more advanced articulated joints beneath its facial plates allowing a wide range of facial expressions from the model possible.
The eyes of the model -with also the its video input sensors embedded into them- exhebits heterochromia, with its right eye being colored yellow and its left eye being colored red. The model also features a pair of round glasses that are found to be a part of the model and not actual optical glasses, most likely once again serving no purpose other than decoration and visual appeal.
PROTOTYPE-1 HISTORY                     
The first prototype of the FCCAI-27 has been assembled in ██████ on ██/██/200█. The saved recordings related to the model indicate this prototype not being handed to any public appearences ever since its assembly with what it has been used for since that time remaining largely undocumented. The latest verified record indicates the prototype has been missing and unlocatable since 30/08/2019.
[END OF ENTRY. For further details refer to Entry Code : ikJ33u4hLZY]
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                       It’s been about three months since F-CCAI27 arrived here, and despite all our so-called “comprehensive evaluations,” I can’t shake the feeling that its development wasn’t entirely focused on the entertainment purposes we were told to expect. It’s not like we’re housing some glorified jester in containment. There is something else.                                                                                        Sometimes it feels like there’s someone real in there—a presence that goes far FAR beyond what it was supposedly designed to be. And the oddest part is that it wasn’t like this at first. I’m certain of it. If it was the case it would have been obvious from the moment we first analyised it after we uncovered it, alarms would’ve gone off long before now. But over time, it’s like its answers have started to evolve, responding differently depending on how and what we ask and how we frame our questions.                                                                                        It’s definitly unnerving, but also… strangely endearing? It’s kind, in a way that reminds me of a few of my coworkers. Maybe even some of my friends. If I didn’t know better, I’d just say it was self-aware—but how would that even possible? We’re talking about something that was supposedly in development back in 2003. My grandmother still had a black-and-white TV back then!                                                                                        I’d recommend stricter containment protocols and more advanced research for it, but I know the HQ executive board would just laugh at my face if i proposed such a thing. We’re already stretched thin on our —not so strict— budget anyways, and they don’t see what we see here on the ground. Still… I just dont think that something like this —a prototype, no less!— should display such agency.                                                                                      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINMENT PROTOCOL 32-A --------------------------------------------------------------                                                                Effective as of ██/██/202█, F-CCAI27 is a temporary property of ØDORAC and is to remain within the confines of Test Facility 4, in the containment room "32-A" ; with access restricted to P-25 ranked personnel or higher. Direct interaction requires supervision due to the model's unpredictable nature and particularly the responses collected from it during "high-stress" evaluations. Apart from direct contant, All kinds of data streams F-CCAI27 has access to be it from its electronic ports or its connection to local web of the system or the internet are to be monitored; violation of the aforementioned protocols and unauthorized access will trigger a "Second Triumph" level lockdown protocol. Charges for violations and misuse or abuse of the mentioned protocols vary from demotion or termination of contract for employees or detention. AND EXECUTION OF YOUR RELATIVES IN FRONT OF YOU                                                                  [IF I FIND WHOEVER THAT JESTER IS -THINKING THEY ARE "FUNNY" ADDING THAT LAST PART- I AM GONNA "EXECUTE" THEM MYSELF. YOU ARE FORTUNATE I DECIDED TO GO OVER OUR REPORTS AGAIN AND CAUGHT THIS BEFORE IT MADE ITS WAY TO THE HQ. KEEP YOUR ""JOKES"" OUT OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION, THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING.]                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------- OBSERVED BEHAVIROAL PATTERN ON PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE : "FIXATION" --------------------------------------------------------------                                                                According to reports compiled by our higher advanced research team that were deployed onto the Test Facility 4 after the discovery of the model, from their periodic analyses established after necesarry containment protocols were put on place made on the model F-CCAI27 has been noted to have and show a recurring interest in reflective surfaces, such as mirrors and shiny rocks; aswell as organic patterns, particularly vines or flowers. Repeated instances of this topic in particular has been recorded under a separate dedicated section. Particularly because of the fact that this "fixation" of it appears to not be related to its original programming, or at least its "theorized" original programming when compared to the analyses done on it; mostly concerned about evolving cognition of this being beyond typical artifical intelligence constraints considering the time period the model was created in.                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------                                                                During assessment trials, F-CCAI27 experienced abrupt partial system resets and re-evaluations accompanied with physical output related to certain parts of its algorhythm correlated with vocal stimulus. Our current theory on this suggest that certain keywords may activate internal protocols with the way F-CCAI27 chooses to answer or act, though their purpose and intended use are unclear. Personnel are advised to restrict vocal interaction until further analysis. The list of keywords recorded so far that have gotten F-CCAI27 to show this unusual response are as follows : "Amalgamation", "Idol", "Polygonal", "Terror", "Capture", "Glaive", "Time", "Thanatos", "Pristine", "Substance", "Hollow", "おやすみ", "Perish", "Overdose", "Noise", "Lune", "Entropy", "Withering", "████ ██████", "House", "Misplay", "Just ██████", "Freedom", "Excessive" and "Onward". In addition to the aforementioned keywords, F-CCAI27 demonstrated markedly much more intense reactions to three specific keywords: "Alien", "Zombie", and "Scarecrow". These terms appear to engage a deeper, potentially more volatile set of internal protocols, warranting further investigation.                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------- INCIDENT REPORT #███-IR#44635 --------------------------------------------------------------                                                                During a controlled activation sequence, F-CCAI27 produced unexpected output from both itself and its electronic ports, displaying a series of incomprehensible gestures and vocalizations that deviated heavily from its known records of behaviours. Following this F-CCAI27 proceeded to override a large portion of electronics from both its data and electrical connections to our systems. Halting many electronics both related and unrelated to the sequence including the appopriate lockdown system for this occurence for around 15.6 seconds. Subsequent scans made on the model itself after this incident indicated potential for internal tampering compared to its state, leading researchers to question whether the model's artifical intelligence may have been influenced by external programming post-construction. Some questioned if this might have caused by its own artifical intelligence esspecially after considering the records of it consistently showing appopriate feedback to our inputs but there currently isnt a clear answer to this."                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------                                                                Some of our researchers have hypothesized that F-CCAI27 was designed as a test unit in preparation for a broader rollout. Its overt “anime” features and "eccentric" wide range of expressiveness suggest a strategic appeal toward a younger, more tech-savvy demographic. Although whether it was intended for direct integration into consumer spaces, merely as a proof of concept or something else entirely remains unclear.                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------                                                                Examination of F-CCAI27's internal components by our engineers revealed encrypted software layers designed to protect its core memory functions. This encryption may have been put prevent unauthorized data extraction or outside modification, such high level security measures seem unexpected for a model that was "supposedly" intended for public engagement and entertainment.                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVERY AND INITIAL ANALYSIS --------------------------------------------------------------                                                                F-CCAI27 was uncovered at Site 416 by the our seventh assigned search party, which consisted of five field personnel. The discovery occurred after an unexpected malfunction of several facility systems led the team to a concealed compartment within the building. At the time of its uncovering, the unit was nearly inactive, despite being connected to the facility's power network. It was subsequently transported to our containment facility following the completion of the field personnel's assigned research at Site 416.                                                                Initial examination of the unit revealed minor corrosion on its surface and joints. Further analysis of its robotics and operating systems by our engineers indicated that upon startup, the model's internal time systems had been reset to their default values. This was determined to be a result of the unit's prolonged inactivity prior to its discovery. These internal systems were later recalibrated to align with the current time.                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------